Practice your passion for horse riding
We can distinguish two main categories of riding enthusiasts. The first one includes people who engage in this activity for pure pleasure. A simple ride on a horseback during the weekend is enough for them. On the other hand, the second category is of the competition enthusiasts who are motivated by the will to win and embrace a professional career in this sport.

Horseback riding, a sports for nature-lovers
There is a certain category of sports that is intimately linked to nature. Horseback riding is one of them and sustainable riding even more so. Indeed, the practice of this activity takes place mostly outdoors in a rural setting. The rider thus finds more pleasure in riding a horse while contemplating the surrounding countryside. This is a real breath of fresh air compared to other sports activities where you are confined to a hall. Moreover, horse riding is an ecological sport that does not have a negative impact on nature.

Horse breeds

Riding lessons

Equestrian sports
Equestrian competitions

Horseback riding

Horse and rider’s equipment
Like other sports activities, horse riding requires a set of equipment to practice it in due form. Some are necessary for the rider while others are necessary for the horse. Several reasons can explain the presence of this equipment.
The first is inherent to the safety aspect. Thus, the rider is not at risk of falls caused by the sudden movement of the horse, hence the need to be well protected. The horse must also be protected in order to avoid possible injuries and discomfort during the practice of this activity.

Horse equipment
Among the accessories are the saddle to be placed on its back, saddle gaiters and a fly mask.

Rider’s equipment
The rider needs a set of clothing items dedicated to riding such as pants, jacket…

Stable equipment
It is mainly equipment for feeding the horse, other for maintenance and for the layout of the stable.
Horse health and care
Taking care of a horse and ensuring that it is in good health requires a set of practices. First of all, it is imperative to regularly maintain its stable and stall, making sure that they are clean. In addition, feeding is fundamental and must include elements such as cereals, fodder and not forgetting water… Routine care such as grooming to remove all kinds of dirt from the body should not be omitted. Vaccinations and shoeing are other aspects not to be neglected.