
Riding boots : a fashionable and practical accessory

Horse riding is a more or less dangerous sport, as the risk of falling is always present. For this reason, you must be well equipped before engaging in it. Unlike other sports, it is not practiced with a pair of…

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What are the different types of bombs?

Horse riding, like any other sport, has its own set of indispensable equipment. The bomb or the riding helmet is one of them. For both professionals and amateurs, wearing a helmet is essential for the good practice of this sport….

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How to choose the right saddle for your horse?

The choice of your horse’s saddle must be meticulous to guarantee you the best possible experience. The reason for this is that a rider is most of the time seated when riding. Several parameters have to be taken into account…

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Is the whip indispensable to practice horse riding?

Like any sport, horse riding has its own range of equipment and accessories. Some of them are mandatory, like the bomb. Others are optional, but are nevertheless very popular with riders, especially the riding crop. To use this tool wisely,…

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