Do you love horses and want to become a good rider? Even if everyone can ride a horse, he can't be a good rider. There are a few things you need to do in order to achieve your dreams. This article will help you with them.
Patience, gentleness and precision
Are you bored with the horse already? So, the first behaviour necessary to be a good rider is patience. Instead of getting angry, you need to stay calm to fix things because you know that your stress doesn't solve anything. Apart from that, you also need gentleness so that the clumsiness disappears quickly when you get on the horse. As far as accuracy is concerned, this quality is also important. It is even considered as a golden rule to become a good rider because all actions on horseback need to be calculated and specified as much as possible. This means that in addition to being delicate, you have to be precise on horseback. Moreover, you will need it by all in your daily life.
Saving, observant and a sense of priorities
Prioritizing is a habit you must have. For example, you want to travel to the islands, yet you have to take care of your horse. So that's where you have to choose and take your horse first. Moreover, the horse needs daily maintenance. You must also be sparing or thrifty, that is to say that you must keep a cool head so as not to spend unnecessary things apart from the accessories of your property (carpet, net ...). This is very important because you still have to pay for the boarding and maintenance of the horse. So, plan money instead of buying a beautiful and expensive jacket in a shop. As a rider, you also have to be a good observer in everyday life.
Perfectionist, perceptive and multi-tasker
Insight is one of the qualities of a good rider. Sometimes your horse won't agree to get in the van when you are already ready to go to a competition. So, you have to find another way to get him on. You must not back down in any way, even if you feel like exploding because of panic. You always have to find a solution to any problem, which is called insight. Multitasking also because a rider should never be tired and ready to do more (sweeping the driveway, picking up any dung...). Speaking at the end of perfectionism: you have to be a perfectionist to reach the top in your profession. This means that you must always aim for perfection because your horse must be healthy, muscular, impeccable to succeed in all competitions. In short, you must be proud of who you are.
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